Wolverine Standee life size Standup 1986 Marvel Comics X-Men
  $   70


$   70 Sold For
Aug 21, 2016 End Date
Aug 21, 2016 Start Date
$   50 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Up for auction is a life size cardboard Wolverine Standee. It is from circa 1986 and I am the original owner. I bought this from a comic shop in the 1980's and have kept it protected ever since. It is in really good condition, especially for its age but it isn't quite perfect (see individual pics) I'm sure the minor flaws it has can be touched up with a marker or something but I wanted to sell it in its original unaltered form. Feel free to reach out with any questions!
