Vintage 1948 Batman DC Comic #47 "Origin of Batman
  $   127


$   127 Sold For
Feb 18, 2007 End Date
Feb 18, 2007 Start Date
$   127 Start price
0 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Offered is Batman Comic No.47. Inside this comic gives the ORIGIN OF BATMAN!!!!

The comic is complete, but the front cover has a stamping of the original owner of the comic "Baila Mackey Wapella Iowa". Also, the front cover is split 75% from the spine, with a 4" tear across the middle of the front cover just below the batmobile and a 1" tear across the graphic "The Origin of Batman". Also, t is creasing across the middle of the Batman Logo. Feel free to e-mail questions. Any questions feel free to ask!!!!
