Tales of Suspense #39 (Mar 1963, Marvel) - First Iron Man Appearance - No Cover
  $   450


$   450 Sold For
Mar 30, 2017 End Date
Mar 28, 2017 Start Date
$   1000 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


This is a copy of Tales Of Suspense issue # 39 from Marvel Comics. It was issued in 1963. As most of you probably know, this is one of the more heavily sought comics in the current marketplace with a 9.6 condition copy having recently sold for $375,000. Now, I'm not about to claim that this copy is a 9.6 by any means. It's more like a .6 actually. It is; however, an original complete copy of the comic without it's cover. I make no bones about it. It  is clearly in poor condition as you can see clearly in the photos. The thing is though that VERY few if any of you are in the market for a $375,000 comic. After all, who can afford that ? While many would just say buying a reprint is the way to go (and I can see that school of thought), others would prefer to have an actual original copy that won't cost more than their car. I'm offering such a copy at a price that you just may be able to justify spending if you are willing to ignore the obvious flaws. The tricky part is the asking price. It is very difficult to price a really poor copy of a very valuable item. So ... what to do ? I've decided to put this on here at an opening bid that you may or may not find reasonable (for what it's worth it was suggested by someone else) and still offer an option for you to bid on it or offer what it is worth to you. If you feel that price is crazy then offer what it is worth to you to have it and give it your BEST shot. Who knows, if you are reasonable I may just accept your offer. Just for the sake of stating the obvious, I have been on Ebay for years and understand that many folks "reasonable offer" is going to be $1.00 or something equally absurd. I will obviously disregard the ridiculous but you will find me reasonable if you are. Bottom line is that I really want to sell it not just list it ad infinitum so don't bother to "watch" it. If you aren't interested that's fine. If you are either bid or make me a reasonable offer. Thanks for your consideration.               Shipping will include full insurance to protect both parties from scammers. Bidding acknowledges that fact and acceptance of the costs involved. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT pay using the Ebay calculated estimate sent at the close of the auction. It is just that - AN ESTIMATE. It will not be including the insurance fee and will certainly be wrong. I will send you an invoice after getting a shipping quote with the correct amount owed. DO NOT PAY UNTIL YOU RECEIVE MY INVOICE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES !!!
