Tales of Suspense #39 (Mar 1963, Marvel) CAVEAT EMPTOR
  $   815


$   815 Sold For
Sep 14, 2013 End Date
Sep 11, 2013 Start Date
$   150 Start price
25 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Please note the photos to see the various imperfections with this issue (staples are not original, etc.). But given the collectable nature of this item, the asking price is a bargain (all pages included, color surprisingly good) for any collector who wants but cannot afford the thousands of dollars it costs to secure a "Tales of Suspense #39" in mint condition.

So let the buyer beware after looking at the included photos in this listing.

No returns will be accepted, but the right buyer will be happy with the purchase.     
