Tales of Suspense 39 CGC 2.0 Universal Blue Label OW Pages TOS 39 Marvel Key
  $   1,326


$   1326 Sold For
Jul 3, 2014 End Date
Jun 26, 2014 Start Date
$   1 Start price
14 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


 Prices on Marvel keys keep edging higher. This book is right behind AF15 and Hulk1 in terms of desire, value and plain ole Hotness. This books is very tight on the spine, staples and CF. I submitted the book myself so I can attest to that. This book came from an original owner in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He actually color coded every single book in the collection. Note that the letter S in the word Suspense has been colored in with a red marker many years ago and also a red S over the comic code. Ive always said that books at the lower levels of grade are all about eye appeal, and yes we all know there are some scary looking defects that can be present on low grade books. If you can understand and live with the fact that this book marked by the original owner as his method of organizing back in the early 60's, the you will be able to appreciate having a Marvel Super Key at an affordable price. Nothing says you cant upgrade somewhere down the road, should another TOS39 become available, but get on board here because this book in all its glory and soaring in value regardless. Can I get an opening bid of just $.99 pa-leeze?
