TINTIN LE TEMPLE DU SOLEIL (C) 1949 color original French
THE WORLD FAMOUS BELGIAN REPORTER SUPER HERO, by now translated in tens of languages, painted on façades, reproduced in figurines, you name it. But nothing beats an original, al be it in good-fair condition; the used look by infinite times of reading tells the reader that the book has a true history. And as stated in the weekly Tintin magazine: for readers from 7 through 77, over time reading as a kid one gets one into the adventure, later on as adult into poking at politics and the like.
TINTIN LE TEMPLE DU SOLEIL CASTERMAN 1949 in FrenchCONDITION: quite good, cover edges rubbing, clean interior, binding tight. All plates complete and intact.The (c) stated 1949; printing dates were not featured at the time, original. 14 ozs 62 platesPlease pay ATTENTION to the following:I am not a book seller, just getting my library manageable and down sized.Depending on the day of sale I may need an extra day to prepare the shipping since the books are stored off site.Also, please look at my other listings and do not forget to leave feed back, thank you.SHIPPING: COMBINED SHIPPING always, if applicable. For packing and shipping I do my best with packing solidly after experiencing far too many books having reached my mail box in deplorable mailing conditions. Also, I reuse most of packing and shipping materials.
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