Michael Turner Original Art- Superman #205 Alternate Cover
  $   5,500


$   5500 Sold For
Oct 15, 2014 End Date
Oct 8, 2014 Start Date
$   5000 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


If you're a collector of comic book art, a comic book aficionado, or even just a fan of Superman, THIS IS IT: the most iconic superhero of all time, exquisitely rendered in pencil by (arguably) the greatest comic book artist that ever lived. Since his untimely passing, Michael Turner's original artwork has become increasingly difficult to come by. This cover was purchased directly from Michael's friend and business partner, Frank Mastromauro, and was the crown jewel of Aspen Comics' remaining collection. Not content to depict Superman in the more traditional poses requested by DC Comics executives, Michael instead created this unforgettable cover showing the hero on the edge of space with the earth below. It is a standout even among his extensive portfolio of top selling covers, and is featured by Aspen comics in a print collection of his greatest works. Included with the original are a copy of Superman #205 in NM condition (ungraded), and a print of the cover signed by Peter Stiegerwald.
