Marvel Tales of Suspense Iron Man Capt. America 1964 #59 1st Jarvis 12 Cent VG
  $   65


$   65 Sold For
Jul 12, 2019 End Date
Oct 30, 2018 Start Date
$   65 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Grading System
NM - A near mint book is near perfect – almost like new. Full, bright colors and gloss and no wear of any kind.

Very Fine (VF) - Still has Sharp look, with nice bright color and gloss. Lies Flat. May have a few small stress marks on the spine or outer edge. No creasing
Fine(F) - Has an attractive look still, but can have more defects that the higher grade of VF. May have 4 or 5 stress lines, small corner crease, small edge tear or more general edge wear. No tape or large tears
Very Good(VG) - Your average handled and read copy. Might have noticeable wear on spine and edges and noticeable creasing on cover. Could have a one inch tear or less. A small piece of tape on or inside cover is allowed. Might have some light soiling or staining. Might have a slightly rolled spine
Good(G) - Similar in many ways to a VG, but with more severe or frequent defects. Could have a piece out of front or back cover
Fair(F) - Rough but complete copy. Might have lots of tape on cover, or tears, or pieces out of cover. Staining, soiling, lots of wear.
Poor (P) - Severely beaten up or incomplete copy. Might have large pieces missing out of cover or no back cover.
Please look at all pictures and contact me with any additional questions
