Les Aventures d'Hergé planches originales / original art - Tintin
  £   2,000
  $   3,377


£   2000 Sold For
Jan 9, 2016 End Date
Jan 6, 2016 Start Date
£   2000 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
Belgium Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Les Aventures d'Hergé / The Adventures of Hergé

Bocquet, Fromental, Stanislas


Les planches originales pour la couverture et la page 48.

Original artwork in Indian ink, for the front cover and page 48.

This lot comprises the original cover artwork with the French title and page 48 with French text. In 2011 Les Aventures d'Hergé was published in English under the title The Adventures of Hergé, and in December 2011 the book made it onto the New York Times best-sellers list for Graphic Novels.

The authors tell the life of Hergé, the creator of Tintin, in pictures, capturing many authentic details and anecdotes. The second panel, for example, is based on a real photo of Hergé walking down the street with Jean-Pierre Talbot, the young Belgian trainee-teacher who played the role of Tintin in two 1960s live-action movies.

This original artwork is in excellent condition and both pieces are signed in pencil by the artist.
