Jack Kirby Signed Avengers #1 poster 11 x 17 Hulk, Iron Man, Loki, Thor, Ant Man
  $   261


$   261 Sold For
Aug 17, 2020 End Date
Aug 10, 2020 Start Date
$   25 Start price
23 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Signed by Jack Kirby - Avengers #1 poster.
August 15th, 1992 San Diego Convention Center
The 1992 Convention celebrated the 75th birthday of Jack Kirby the creator and co-creator of Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Captain America, The Hulk and MANY other comic book characters.  

He was available at his booth signing people's comic books. He also had for sale several of his key covers that he created over the years. I bought one of each including this Avengers #1 cover and had him sign them.   There was a line to his booth that wrapped around the entire isle way.  His posters quickly sold out.  I opted to buy one of almost every one he had for sale because as he signed each one, it bought me extra time with Mr. Kirby. I told him how much his work meant to me.  He was extremely humble and gracious.  
I was told at the time by the assistant that was handling the sales next to him, that a near mint file copy of Avengers #1 was used as the reference for this poster. 

Condition:   I have stored it out of light for almost three decades.  No wrinkles, or rips, or pin holes, ect..
