Essential X-Men #57 Xmen Lee Sullivan Uncanny X-Men Classic X-Men Huge 11 x 17
  $   451


$   451 Sold For
Jul 16, 2018 End Date
Jul 6, 2018 Start Date
$   10 Start price
30 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Wow! Wow! Wowzers!  This is the cover for Essential X-Men #57 - Cannonball Versus Gladiator! released by Marvel / Panini Comics on March 1, 2000 by Lee Sullivan, a master comic artist who lives and works in the UK. The Cover is 11 x 17 inches pencil and inked by the artist Lee Sullivan.   You may ask your self  "Why buy this cover?"  Well first of it is an X-Men original Cover 'Nuff said.  O.K. so you still want more reasons, how about The past X-Men Movies.  More?  Cannonball and Gladiator on the cover, Wow!  More?  Future movies coming up : X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Gambit, New Mutants.  This is the only chance you will get to own this art, priced to sell no reserve.  Good Luck!
P. S. The published comic book is not included, it is just for reference, please pay ASAP or within 3 business days from end of auction. 
