David Choe Slow Jams
  $   101


$   101 Sold For
Sep 7, 2015 End Date
Aug 31, 2015 Start Date
$   25 Start price
14 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
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In a single night in 1996, David Choewrote a 35-page book of violent sexual obsession which, coupled with drawings and paintings that he created over the next couple of years, eventually became the graphic novel Slow Jams. Choe initially made about 200 copies of Slow Jams on a photocopier and gave them away at Comic-Con in 1998, hoping to interest a publisher. Later that year, he submitted Slow Jams for the Xeric Grant and was awarded $5,000 to self-publish a second, expanded edition of 1,000 which came out in 1999. 
This copy is signed by the artist himself.
