Custom Batjeepster Green Lantern Sinestro Movie Ring Cosplay Prop High Detail
  $   87


$   87 Sold For
Nov 5, 2014 End Date
Oct 29, 2014 Start Date
$   1 Start price
32 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
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You are bidding on a Custom Made Sinestro Movie Ring Based off of the Green Lantern Movie.For those who do not know the name Batjeepster Rings, Feel free to Google me also feel free to look at you tube with Stan Lee Giving away one the prototypes to the ring that he commissioned away to one lucky person in the the crowd. Key words are Batjeepster Rings and Stan Lee.I have been doing Customs for almost 6 years and my roots lie right here as far as the subject goes. Green Lantern is where it all started for me and I have evolved over the past couple of years to a new level of detail.You are are bidding on a Custom Sinestro Movie ring based off of the images in the Green Lantern Movie  The ring is a SZ 12 and is made up of a Highly durable Grey Plastic base with a Hand Cast Translucent yellow insert ( when a light source is present you can really see how it pops!) and then topped off with the Sinestro Corps symbol which is also highly durable Grey plastic. This is by far the most accurate replica of the ring out there to date. In the past I have made one of a kind rings for stars such as Stan Lee, Brent Spiner as well as some of the Legendary Green Lantern Comic Artist such as Joe Staton (Co-Creator of Kilowog) and Super Star cover artist Greg Horn. 
