Cerebro no.1 comics fanzine 1978 X-Men Wolverine Dave Hornsby Marvel
  £   56
  $   95


£   56 Sold For
Mar 22, 2015 End Date
Mar 12, 2015 Start Date
£   10 Start price
13 Number Of Bids
Great Britain Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


A new selection of rare comics fanzines from my large collection built up over the years....

Cerebro no.1, July 1978

"The Official X-Men Fan Club Fanzine"

The very first issue of this fondly remembered British X-Men fanzine edited by Geoff Lamprey and spearheading the first wave of massive-X-Men-popularity following the re-launch in the mid 1970s

Was only available to club "members" and the print run of this first issue was certainly less than 50 copies nearly 40 years ago - meaning there's probably less than 5 of these still in existence today - if that!

Early members include some "famous" names from fandom...

Condition: FN- over-sized A4 stapled sheets

Full contents: "X-ETORIAL" editorial on "the Official X-Men Fan Club's Very Own Clubzine" available for the 1978 London Comicon and dedicating the fanzine to Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum & John Byrne 1pg, "X-Fans Unite!!" fan-club details; members include: Paul Carbonaro, John Gatehouse, Kathleen Glancy, Dave Hornsby, Trevor Phoenix, Frank Plowright, Mike Teague etc 1pg, "The Man Called... X" Professor X retrospective feature 3pg, "An Epitaph To Thunderbird" Death of Thunderbird feature with Dave Hornsby art 1pg, Wolverine critical feature with Dave Hornsby "Wolverine" art 1pg, "X-Pletives" LOCs future predictions feature as if X-Men had run to no.200 (1986) by Trevor Phoenix, Frank Plowright, Geoff Lamprey etc 4pg, Geoff Lamprey "Interlude" Wolverine illustrated text story 1pg, "The Changing X-Men 1963-68" retrospective feature 3pg, "Problem Page" comedy feature with letters from X-Men 3pg, "French X-Men" feature on the French versions of X-Men no.94 & no.95 (in "Special Strange") & translations of character names 1pg

Multiple purchases welcome and postage will be combined

Any questions please ask, I am not a business - I am a collector too!

best regards

