Batman The Dark Knight Returns TPB (DC) 10th Anniversary Edition #1-1ST 1996 NM
Batman The Dark Knight Returns TPB (DC) 10th Anniversary Edition #1-1ST 1996 NM
Published 1996 by DC
Grade: NM
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Comic Book Grading Scale
This is a relatively high grade item. It will be very close to "like new" in appearance.
For more information, please see our comic book grading standards.
10th Anniversary Edition - 1st printing. Collects Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1986) #1-4. 1st printing. Written and drawn by Frank Miller, with inks by Klaus Janson and coloring by Lynn Varley. Collecting all four issues of the landmark Dark Knight Returns mini-series, this anniversary edition includes sketches, the original script to issue number four (complete with darker ending), various articles about the series from Rolling Stone and other mainstream publications, and more. Softcover, 222 pages, full color.
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