Batman: Streets of Gotham: House of Hush - DC Batman Reborn
  $   8


$   8 Sold For
Feb 3, 2014 End Date
Jan 27, 2014 Start Date
$   8 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
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Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen deliver an exciting continuation of the saga of Tommy Elliot and Bruce Wayne in this highly anticipated sequel to HEART OF HUSH. Cracking under the strain of living as "Bruce Wayne," Elliot plans his final, murderous revenge on Dick Grayson, Selina Kyle and other members of Wayne's extended network of friends and allies. Will Dick and Damian be enough to thwart Tommy's plans - or will the end of Hush require the return of Bruce Wayne?This volume colllect Batman: Streets of Gotham 12-14, 16-21.
