Avengers (1963 1st Series) #57 CGC 4.0 (1225185002)
  $   226


$   226 Sold For
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$   226 Start price
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Avengers (1963 1st Series) 57 CGC 4.0

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Item Description

Avengers (1963 1st Series) 57 CGC 4.0

Publisher: Marvel
Published: October 1968, Original Cover Price: $0.12

First Silver Age appearance of the Vision in "Behold...The Vision!" Script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by George Klein. Avengers roll call: Hawkeye, Goliath, the Wasp, and the Black Panther. Black Widow and Ultron-5 appearances. Letter to the editor from comics writer Tony Isabella. Buscema/Klein cover.

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Item Grade/Condition

Grade: CGC 4.0
Slab condition: New, unblemished
Paper quality: Off white to white

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