8 B&W HORROR COMICS: SKYWALD MAGAZINES: psycho, nightmare, scream, LOW GRADE
  $   35


$   35 Sold For
Jul 7, 2016 End Date
Jul 3, 2016 Start Date
$   35 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


THE ITEM: MAGAZINE SIZE! ...These are all in "FAIR" & "POOR" (LOW grade) condition. One has a VERY BIG rip on back cover... One has some bug chewing at bottom (back cover and inside but on margin).... One or two has some water damage, but not real bad... They ARE complete, but I'm going to call them "READING COPIES"...  I'll put new bags and boards on them and send them safe (buy slow)....    If you want "Priority Mail" let me know before you buy and I'll double the postage for you..
