(24) 1st edition treasury size comics superman whiz encounters shazam giant size
24 total famous 1st edition and or treasury size comics. I'm not a grader and actually hate selling comics online. It's just so hard pricing out these types of books. I'll do my best on the descriptions.
(5) close encounters of the third kind. Not great. Coloring looks good corners aren't too bad but most are not sharp. Seams show some wear. Seam corners show some minor wear(7) superman . Corners look all right with minor wear. Seams show some a little wear on the edge. Seam corners also show some minor wear. Color looks to be in good shape.(1)1st edition sensation 3 corners of book look almost perfect. 4th has minor creasing from being "pushed/bumped". Seam is excellent. Coloring is excellent. Pages are only slightly off white(1) spectacular spiderman. Faded. Very minor corner wear. Seam has a few small nicks out of color(1) shazam seam only shows very slight wear. Corners are sharp or almost sharp. Coloring is excellent(1) Thor faded and not in very good condition(1) Whiz. Coloring excellent. A couple squiggly creases in cover. It must have been slightly bent once or twice. Corners are in very good shape almost sharp on 3. 4th shows only very minor damage(1) Action A little seam wear. Minor wear on corners. Coloring excellent.(1) Superman c-31. Minor yellowing of pages. Cover and back coloring excellent. Corners are in great shape.(1) Detective 2 corners slight minor damage. Seam corners almost no damage. Minor seam wear coloring excellent.(4) Superman vs Muhammad Ali. Color looks to be excellent. Seams only show very minor wear. Most corners show slight wear. 1 too center folded back maybe 3-4mm.
Ok I gave best description I could. Most books have "yellowed pages". The degree of yellowing varies. I couldn't open the 7 superman pack or the 5 close encounters. All inner books should be in around the same condition as the outers. There are some minor dings, if you will, on outside edges of books. No major structural damage on any of the books.
Ships priority.Feel free to send any offers. I usually respond to them by the end of the day.