2000AD Judge Dredd Original Artwork Cover Kev Walker Sin City Star Wars 2000 AD
  £   688
  $   1,162


£   688 Sold For
Apr 8, 2018 End Date
Apr 1, 2018 Start Date
£   300 Start price
2 Number Of Bids
Great Britain Country Of Seller
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Here is the action-packed, totally zarjaz for Prog 1289's Judge Dredd epic, Sin City (AKA Satan's Island.) This iconic image, by megastar artist Kev Walker has been used as cover image for several graphic novels as well as the Prog cover. Sin City, written by Dredd Creator John Wagner and illustrated by fan favourite Kev Walker, was a classic story and was featured in the Hachette Judge Dredd Mega Collection (where this image was again used as the cover.)
Kev Walker is best known in 2000 AD circles for his phenomenal work on Judge Dredd, the Judge Dredd movie, Judge Anderson, ABC Warriors, Rogue Trooper, Balls Brothers and more. He has worked for Marvel and DC and is a popular artist for the Magic:The Gathering series. He designed Young James Bond and has recently been playing in a Galaxy Far, Far away illustrating the incredibly popular Doctor Aphra Star Wars comic.
